
The development of the PAL system has been generously funded by numerous research programs listed below:

National Science Foundation (NSF)

  1. NSF IIP-1507392: NSF I-CORPS: Commercialization of a Passive Aquatic Listener (PAL) Sensor for Underwater Sound Classification, 2015.
    PIs: Dr. Manos Anagnostou, Dr. Michael Zuba, Dr. Carolyn Lin

  2. NSF OCE-0825222: Collaborative Research: Rainfall Estimation Accuracy and Classification from Deep Underwater Sound Measurements, 2008-2012.
    PI: Dr. Manos Anagnostou

  3. NSF OCE-0241552: Collaborative Research: Spatial Averaging of Oceanic Rainfall Variability using Underwater Sound, 2003-2007.
    PI: Dr. Manos Anagnostou