New Site Launched

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. Built on the the university Aurora service, this new version of our site sports a modern look, faster loading times, and works on all mobile and tablet devices.

Helpful Aurora Guides for New Webmasters

To get started on your new site, take a look on the Aurora site for tips on how to get started.


UPAL Completes NSF I-CORPS Program

Team 449 – UPAL has completed the NSF I-CORPS program as part of the Spring 2015 cohort in NYC/NJ.  The NSF Innovation Corps (I-CORPS) is a program that helps to prepare scientists and engineers for commercializing their research or technology.  The program lasts 7 weeks and follows the Lean Startup approach proposed by Steve Blank.

Team 449 – UPAL was able to interview 106 contacts as part of this project and identify value propositions for the UPAL system.

You can view our Lessons Learned video here.*

You can view our Technology video here.*

*These links redirect to a third-party website (YOUTUBE) and are not affiliated with UCONN.


Welcome to the UPAL website.  Through this website we hope to distribute useful information about the UPAL system and its applications.  If you have any questions please contact us!